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eagle megezo
hawk si8mo
cutting instrument temmaw8gan
sewing work ligu8ns8gan
fishing, the action of fishing 8maw8gan
backpacking pmodaw8gan
shavings of wood, wood shaving likm8zw8gan
state of being under arrest tkwendow8gan
cooking soglozw8gan
captaincy, rank or title of captain kaptinw8gan
chiefship s8gm8w8gan
authority or qualifications or title of an elected official lidbesw8gan
a cough, a cold wseguin8gan
rub-smooth implement, a file sipodigan
make oneself li hoz w8 gan
direction sign, symbol, letter of the alphabet, an indicator tbaskodigan
hitting instrument, spring lancet tagadigan
thinning out, making space tazahigan
living l8wzow8gan
mold, act of becoming moldy moisw8gan
hair cutting, a haircut mozmaw8gan
service berry, bayberry 8mwaimen
a slice (as of bread) pagazigan
escaping, saving polwaw8gan
senility, wandering mind  kiwhlow8gan
roasting, a roast abozw8gan
good living, feeling well wl8wzow8gan
going in the open, openly, exposed, nudity mtosaw8gan
bettering, improvement mawiaw8gan
feeling linaw8gan
joking kjautamw8gan
strength s8glisw8gan
wickedness, evil majigw8gan
seigneurship saniolw8gan
sailing pmaksow8gan
fast walking kzosaw8gan
act of hitting tagamw8gan
good crop, a good crop wlakanigan
anger nskazigw8gan
honor, respect kwsihodw8gan
research, investigation kwilodw8gan
pride, self love kzalzow8gan
act of hiding k8ttow8gan
story, a tale, a legend 8thlok8gan
action of lifting up; betting, gambling 8mkaw8gan
number, a number agisw8gan
new working; clearing land  pilkaw8gan
fatness, obesity wikkaw8gan
something appearing very great, bold, powerful kaginin8kw
appears fun, its not serious kagjawin8kw
sunken, it appears sunken kagdamin8kw
endless, it appears endless nanask8n8kw
appears soon, quickly nanabin8kw
appears to be abrupt, brusque kzik8win8kw
appear slow, it appears slow mamannin8kw
very well fixed, it looks very nice wawlitbin8kw
regrettable, it appears regrettable wdaldamin8kw
appear ugly, ugly thing chibagin8kw
appearing very angry nanskazin8kw
distinguished appearing thing wawdowin8kw
poor, homely, miserable looking thing wawzigin8kw
appears anew, it appears anew paakwin8kw
different something appearing very different pabilwin8gw
it appears frightful sazakp8n8kw
it seems strange, curious 8zhagin8kw
something looking very strange, a curiosity  mam8lhin8kw
narrow, it is narrow (said of a cord or stringlike object)  chichigwtaga
dipped, he or it is dipped; he dips him in the water  chawaph8zo
throwing into the water  chawapakan
tightly, tight, firmly chitamiwi
tight, it is tight chitamigen
action of stopping something; a stopper chanigw8gan
compel or oblige him chowagim8
compelling or obliging each other chowagidin
oppose, he opposes in opinion, is in opposition chajibaldam
wounded by striking, it or he is wounded by striking chiltah8zo
wounding each other by striking chiltahodin
slide, he slides (in general) chichipozo
shave him chigitwah8
little clown chamochasis
demands repeatedly, he repeats his demand to him chajig8m8
demands repeatedly, he repeats his demand to someone chajig8ma
a narrowing, something that makes narrowing chichigw8gan
stiff, it is stiff or tough chidanigen
narrow, it is narrow chichiguigen
narrow, it is very narrow chichiguaso
scare, he becomes frightened, terrified or startled chajibihla
song, a song nt8gw8gan
should or could be better mawiaba
double, in a folded manner, in a folded condition pkawiwi
together, all together in space or time adwiwi
stop it, stop grabbing, he stops grabbing chanipto
wound someone by striking chiltaha
it is stopped chanata
stopping, stops chaniwi
it must be chowitbat
it certainly will chowiji
arrow with a head and feathers chiskwh8di
broom, sweeping implement  chighigan
ghost wood, phosphorescent wood chibasakw
where fire went through, it is burned forest chgatako
fire starter, lighted splinter, a match, or tinder chgasigan
he stops crying out, stops calling chankwazo
outside, out, outdoors kwajmiwi
many alders, a patch of alders wdopika
action of splitting; a split thing psighigan
next week sandaga
red osier dogwood mamkwakwsek
stranger, a strange person pilwias
chokecherry fruit adbimen
bittern, Botaurus stellaris pokhamnes
water weeds alzial
crosspiece of a snowshoe or canoe pmitsemmen
molding moiswan
personal appearance ligw8gan
sticks to something, he adheres  pmaguamo
sapwood of tree, stick, or log wskidakwam
cutting with a saw ligz8wan
peeled, it gets peeled plagihla
clean someone; something becomes clean  pakihla
scraper (for hide or wood), scraping lakhigan
the word, the word of God ketw8gan
Labrador tea, Ledum groenlandicum az8bakw
hunting dogs adiak
it is full of a soft and sticky mass  psanjakta
full, full it is full of string psantakta
full, it is full (of something solid, wood)  psanakwta
walking past, going by todosan
walking enough kwakwassan
leaving, walking away saosan
coming by foot padosan
going on the wrong route; steering in the wrong direction palkwassan
going away, being shunned kw8zoldin
walking secretly, going quietly, stalking kimosan
go secretly, spy kimskasin
rock falls down pnapskihla
cut down a tree kauhakwa
a bank falls down, slides down png8kkihla
repairing by lacing mishatman
breathing nasawan
Boston land, America, originally New England Pastonki
overturning, tipping over kwetgwakan
opening paskakan
stop using akwakan
doing much msalakan
being good looking waulakan
he throws it in; he uses it wdawakan
you throw it in; you use it kdawakan
I throw it in; I use it ndawakan
where he plants wdalkikan
where you plant kdalkikan
where I plant ndalkikan
planting for the fun of it  kjaukikan
delayed planting plotkikan
sow a lot kinkikan
cold planting tkakikan
an esteemed or praised planting mskaukikan
planting secretly  kimkikan
damp planting wdakkikan
dry planting pakwkikan
bad planting (unsuccessful) machkikan
sow angrily, sow in a bad way nskazkikan
planting full psankikan
sowing a short piece of ground pokwkikan
sowing in a container taukikan
planting too much  wz8mkikan
the way of a planting, how something is sown lakwkikan
fresh planting wskakikan
a new sowing pilkikan
planting with only one kind of seed p8kwkikan
it has been sown 8pkikan
spreading manure, fertilize pakikan
a miserable planting wzikkikan
sowing with someone witkikan
sowing well, planting expertly nt8ukikan
sowing together kaskikan
another planting ktakikan
plant differently milkikan
liking planting or sowing wikwkikan
wrong planting  palkikan
a lost sowing, failed plating wankikan
planting fast, farming quickly kzakikan
sowing elsewhere kw8zikan
planting early, an early planting sp8zkikan
planting fast, sowing fast kskakikan
sowing quickly napkikan
a spaced out planting, a scattered sowing mnakikan
sowing many, sowing a lot msalkikan
planting something together with something else nspakikan
knowing how to plant wawkikan
stop planting akwkikan
enough planting wamkikan
good planting wlakikan
big planting msakikan
long sowing kwnakikan
small planting or cultivating piukikan
planting alone siukikan
finishing sowing  matkikan
planting over a long time; planting in the middle n8ukikan
going about sowing seed kiwkikan
cutting planting, harvesting tmakikan
after one plants, after planting kizkikan
happily plant p8wkikan
liking to plant, sow wikkikan
he is tired of planting  saukikan
proceeding to sow pmakikan
coming sowing, approaching while planting patkikan
planting, sowing lakikan
working at farming, sowing, planting notkikan
planting (sowing) there talkikan
planting separately chbakikan
lifting well (raising to throw well); gambling or betting well  wl8mkakan
lifting (raise to throw); gambling 8mkakan
catching pithakan
throwing enough tabakan
throwing in, putting down inside tawakan
it is already thrown kizakan
doing or throwing in the ordinary or natural way  alnakan
throwing purely, (idiom for) doing it the real way p8guakan
throwing slowly mannakan
foot wrapper, moccasin liner azikan
throwing well, pitching (baseball) expertly  nt8wakan
throwing away (because useless)  siwakan
using something well, putting to a good purpose  wlawakan
putting aside, putting away, throwing aside pimskwakan
throwing alike, throwing together tadbakan
twisting throw; turning over something by throwing kwelguakan
throwing separately, separating by throwing chbawakan
go in order to to throw, going throwing n8dakan
filling by throwing; making a bed of boughs psanakan
enjoying throwing  wigakan
throwing for nothing, throwing uselessly pizwakan
throwing something down, tearing down  sokwakan
hunting or attacking someone or some animal; kill  kadonkan
ceasing to throw, stop throwing chanakan
smoke-drying meat 8milkan
throwing something off (as in clothing) kadnakan
throwing hard; being proud kinakan
throwing something small piwakan
throwing is a certain place padakan
throwing quickly nabakan
throwing for a long time  sipkakan
finishing all there is, finishing throwing  matakan
hurrying wizakan
throwing together widakan
working hard mlikakan
visiting 8dakan
bread making ab8nkan
throwing suddenly, promptly  salkakan
throwing around, throwing in different places kiwakan
working fast, fast work kzalokan
throwing over something, turning over by throwing kwelbakan
pulling out, throwing off kadakan
throwing over kibakan
throwing something in some direction laguakan
throwing continuously, keep throwing something almakan
emerge by throwing, throwing something to make it appear s8khakan
throwing here, throwing something to me  nahwdakan
throwing something oddly m8lhakan
hiding, putting away, putting into concealment k8dakan
lifting work, work at lifting wl8mkakan
throwing something on top tasakan
throwing upward, throwing something up high  spiguakan
muskrat hunting moskwakan
throwing on top, piling up wskidakan
throwing something under  naguakan
digging there (at a specific time) tal8lkan
wishing with personal power pawankan
road making, work of making a trail 8wdikan
making clear soup, work at making clear soup kz8bokan
pushing something, work at pushing it kwaguakan
throwing it into water kamguakan
throwing there (generally) talakan
throwing something in the water chawpakan
pulling, working at pulling something wikwakan
washing, working at washing something kazpakan
using, someone uses it awakan
working a river, traveling it sibokan
throwing away, discarding something kw8zakan
throwing away, throwing out sawakan
fighting, making war; a fight migakan
racing; a race nang8mkan
throwing something far n8wakan
working at smoothing minonkan
hunting birds sipsokan
deer hunting; a deer hunt nolkakkan
hunting pigeons; a pigeon hunt plazokan
working at fishing, the act of fishing namaskan
hunting moose, act of hunting moose; a moose hunt mozokan
difficult thing sahah8n
hunt, a hunt nadialin
a wanderer, it wanders kiwihl8n
container, a filling container psanihl8n
container, a container  tautigan
deadfall trap klahigan
stopping instrument channigan
name, a name wizw8gan
checker, a checker kwagwnigan
he who walks by, he walks by pamosat
sleeping medicine kaww8gan
wadding for a muzzle loading gun  pzahigan
corn, boiled corn kakikwtal
white, he is white w8bigo
odd, strange, he is curious m8lhigo
your heart klaw8gan
scratched, bruised, it is bruised chiligen
skims low, he skims (said of a bird)  wzikawa
river channel, a branch (dividing an island from land) sibatekw
tree squeak kzibanakw
roll it by hand liguana
handle, a handle len8gan
unripe berries skaljial
always eating (he is) m8mijo
suffers, he is hurt, is troubled wzig8wzo
actually, really, even aguachi
lonesome, be lonesome  siwaldam
little, he is little chichigo
stopped walking, stopped going chanosap
stop walking, stop going chanosa
must do someone chowiha
must do him chowih8
keeps on going, going farther chit8ssa
go farther chitahla
exactly, definitely, directly taketta
likes to play (he) wigbapo
exclamation expressing astonishment, regret, or emphasis kam8ji
slides, he slides (in general)  chipozo
mythical underwater creature Man8gmas
cover, a stopper for a bottle, a cork kbahigan
sea shell  kwikwsomwas
makes a bad trip, he goes badly majihla
softening, he or it gets soft nokihla
wounded, scratched, bruised (he or it gets)  chilihla
make clear soup kz8boka
bent back very much, it gets strongly bent kz8gihla
surprised, he becomes surprised  kwahlihla
scabbed over, it is clotted over pat8hla
turn around, he or it turns around petguihla
roll down, he or it rolls down pniguahla
falls (as a tree); he falls asleep kawihla
go through s8bihla
big and round (he or it becomes) ms8gihla
close, it becomes near kajihla
well shaped, it becomes well shaped wl8gihla
twisting, it becomes twisted  pimihla
go about, wanders, hunts to see what he can find kiwihla
fills, he or it becomes full; he goes all over psanihla
curiously happens, it happens strangely m8lhihla
changing, he or it becomes new pilwihla
lukewarm water, it is half-boiled sabata
freeze, he or it becomes frozen klajihla
disappear, he or it disappears, goes away kw8zihla
come out, he or it comes out sahwihla
turn aside, he turns off a track or trail  pimskwihla
tip, he or it goes off course, goes tipping 8zwihla
separate person, a separate person chbabos
cold after mild weather, it clears up cold moskwat
ice hunt, hunting beaver on the first ice pkwamh8
birch bark pail for gathering maple sap mskwajo
gather maple sap pkwamha
hunt for him at night, an evening hunt wl8kwh8
evening hunt, he hunts at night wl8kwha
cup, small bark pot; The Big Dipper  kwatsis
beaver castor, the musk gland used for bait wisn8
club in playing cards tlapis
separated here and there, a few mniwi
gum something, as a canoe; work gum pgoka
shoot someone with a bow and arrow pipma
expose, he or it is exposed  mtata
full, it is full  psanta
wardrobe, clothes closet saskak
rains, it rains  sogl8n
clear, light wasa
fish, he fishes 8ma
make it; one makes something wlito
make him; one makes someone wliha
wipe someone or something (in general) kasha
take something out of a solid katha
diamond playing card kalo
heart playing card kalses
boiled corn mzikwta
great, it is a great thing msakwzo
carrot, a carrot kalot
elder an elder bush saskip
big stick msakwat
big, it is big msagen
tall, he is tall or long kwnakwzo
repair by sewing, sew up misha
salmon mskwamakw
dig a hole w8lka
become red, going red, it is reddened mkwihla
error, make a mistake, by accident palham
back of the body, his back wbeskwan
Adam's apple wt8gan
dish wlogan
shoulder hump of an animal wsagan
tastes good; he eats well wlipo
good, he is good wligo
blue wl8o
The Great Serpent Msaskog
separated, he moved away, walked away chbosap
separates, he moves away, walks away  chbosa
burn, it burns  chgata
light, burn, ignite chgasa
diaper, a diaper  piz8n
escape, run away, flee polwa
speak, talk klozi
sing, he sings linto
make fire, keep fire going, tend fire ponsa
hide, he hides something k8tto
sew, he sews ligua
thread, put thread through, string on a thread n8pha
fits, it fits wamta
red rock, it is a red rock mkwapska
good stick , it is a good stick wlakwat
long stick, it is a long stick kwnakwat
nut, ground nut skibon
awl, a punch megos
portager, a portager, a canoe carrier  wnigas
walk, he walks along pmosa
carries something on his back, he packs something pmoda
peel, he or it is peeled, it gets peeled pkahla
seperate, move apart, divide chbila
gets cut (it), it is cut tmihla
gets well (he or it), becomes good wlihla
falls, he or it falls down or flies down pnihla
removed piece, a piece comes out (of something) pkwahla
dog, a strong dog s8ksem
dog, a red dog mkwasem
dog, a good dog wlasem
emerges, it appears or sprouts s8gen
emerges, he appears, it sprouts s8go
young (two year) beaver living at home, no offspring palemskw
board, a board, split wood psigaskw
redstart; scarlet tanager mkwimins
blue sky ol8wkw
small house, a small house or wigwam wigw8ms
gourd, a gourd kw8lwaskw
bloodsucker, leech pabaskw
shallow knot, a small knot pokl8nskw
pancake, a pancake p8ngogs
paper pilaskw
foggy, when it is foggy piskwak
long, he is long or tall kwnizo
good rock, a nice rock, it is a good stone wlapska
dweller, he who dwells, he dwells wigit
grows, he grows, he gets big  msosa
long rock point; Thompson's Point, Vermont kwnapska
sloping rock, a rock which slopes downward pnapskw
covering stone agwapskw
go well, walk well; it goes well wlosa
big rock, it is a big rock msapska
low haze (a sign of good weather) piptakw
shall always (in the future), will forever askamiwiji
leave it for me chigitamawi
if (we or you) dislike the taste, if it tastes bad majitamana
foolish , he is crazy wan8damina
happy (you are), you think the right way  kolidah8zi
if you like, if we like wig8damana
tasty (it shall be), it will taste good to eat wigat8zoji
be envied (one shall), he will be envied wigin8zoji
sweeten, add sugar sogalahiga
salt something (as water or meat), add salt siwanahiga
learn (he shall), he will learn kagakim8ji
walk about (he shall), one will walk about pab8mosaji
he will cry from frustration sasodaji
stand someone up (he will), he shall stand him up sakaw8ji
put something out (he will), he will make it appear sawatoji
cry walking (one shall), he will walk crying sasosaji
surely will, certainly shall chowiji
when will, when shall chigaji
quickly, very quickly  wihwiz8iwi
cut something to a certain shape (he has) kizagiz8zo
used, it is used, something is used awakat8zo
finished, it is finished taguaguit8zo
he thinks very often s8z8wat8zo
be like others, copy, he imitates n8bamak8zo
he loses his mind wanidah8zo
think hard about doing something, he is determined kinidah8zo
he thinks vaguely, in a scattered way kiwidah8zo
lonesome, he is homesick siwadah8zo
cry from thinking of something sasidah8zo
be happy, she is happy p8widah8zo
change thoughts; she thinks wrongly  palidah8zo
taught, it is taught, something is taught agakid8zo
sees he is capable, he recognizes he is capable wawinamaw8
aware, he is knowledgeable wawidah8zo
teach him, he is taught, he learns kagakim8
walk about pab8mosa
make him angry chililawah8
persist in going, he goes in spite of opposition chajig8osa
he becomes stubborn chajig8wihla
narrows, it is a narrow lake, where lake narrows chichigu8gama
persistently, determinedly, stubbornly chajig8wiwi
backwards azat8iwi
stop him (or it) rolling chaniguan8
stops rolling, it stops rolling chaniguahla
scared, he becomes frightened, terrified, startled chajibihla
crowded, it gets tight, dense chitamosa
tight, he is tight, compressed chitamigo

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