I |
you |
he/she/it |
we (exclusive) |
we (inclusive) |
you (plural) |
they/them/those things |
Indefinite Subject/Animate Object
ISI (Indefinite Subject Indicative)
Wawalm8 nalwiwi.
He is known everywhere.
8da n'wawalmegabbna paliwi
We are not known elsewhere.
n'wawalmega I am known - 8da n'wawalmegaw I am not known |
k'wawalmega You are known - 8da k'wawalmegaw you are not known |
wawalm8 s/he is known - 8da wawalm8wi s/he is not known |
n'wawalmegabna we are known - 8da n'wawalmegabbna we are not known |
k'wawalmegabna we are known - 8da k'wawalmegabbna we are not known |
k'wawalmegaba you (plural) are known - 8da k'wawalmegabba you (plural) are not known |
wawalm8k they are known - 8da wawalm8wiak they are not known |
Indefinite Subject/Inanimate Object
ISI (Indefinite Subject Indicative)
8da wawald8ziwi iodali.
It is not known here.
8tlokaw8ganal wawald8zoal Odanak.
The stories are known at Odanak.
wawald8zo It is known
- 8da wawald8ziwi it is not known |
wawald8zoal they are known
- 8da wawald8ziwial they are not known |
Animate Subject/Indefinite Object
AI (Animate Intransitive)
n'wawalda sagzian.
I know that you are scared.
8da w'wawaldawi machinat.
She is unaware that he is dead. |
n'wawalda I know, I am aware (in general)
- 8da n'wawaldaw I don't know (in general) |
k'wawalda You know (in general)
- 8da k'wawaldaw You don't know (in general) |
wawalda s/he knows (in general)
- 8da wawaldawi s/he doesn't
know (in general) |
n'wawaldabna We know (in general)
- 8da n'wawaldabbna We don't know (in general) |
k'wawaldabna We know (in general)
- 8da k'wawaldabbna We don't know (in general) |
k'wawaldaba you know (in general)
- 8da k'wawaldabba You don't know (in general) |
wawaldak They know (in general)
- 8da wawaldawiak They don't know (in general) |
AI (Animate Intransitive)
I know myself.
n'wawalmezi I know myself - 8da n'wawalmeziw I don't know myself |
TA (Transitive Animate)
Nigawes n'wawalmegw.
My mother knows me.
Nigik almosak 8da n'wawalmegowiak.
Those dogs don't know me.
k'wawalmi You know me - 8da k'wawalmiw You don't know me |
n'wawalmegw s/he knows me - 8da n'wawalmegowi s/he doesn't know me |
k'wawalmiba you know me - 8da k'wawalmibba you don't know me |
n'wawalmegok They know me - 8da n'wawalmegowiak They don't know me |
AIi (Animate Intransitive with a secondary indefinite singular or plural object)
k'wawaldam8ssi almos.
You know a dog of mine.
k'wawaldam8ssi 8tlokaw8gan.
You know a story about me.
n'wawaldam8ssi I know something about myself/of mine - 8da n'wawaldam8ssiw I don't know something about myself/of mine |
k'wawaldam8ssi You know something about me/of mine - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiw You don't know something about me/of mine |
n'wawaldam8gw s/he knows something about me/of mine - 8da n'wawaldam8gowi s/he doesn't know something about me/of mine |
n'wawaldam8ssibna We know something about me/of mine - 8da n'wawaldam8ssibbna We don't know something about me/of mine |
k'wawaldam8ssibna We know something about me/of mine - 8da k'wawaldam8ssibbna We don't know something about me/of mine |
k'wawaldam8ssiba you know something about me/of mine - 8da k'wawaldam8ssibba you don't know something about me/of mine |
n'wawaldam8gok They know something about me/of mine - 8da n'wawaldam8gowiak They don't know something about me/of mine |
AId (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite object)
k'wawaldamawin almos.
You know the dog of mine.
k'wawaldamawin 8tlokaw8gan.
You know the story about me. |
n'wawaldam8ssin I know it about myself - 8da n'wawaldam8ssiwen I don't know it about myself |
k'wawaldam8ssin You know it about me - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiwen You don't know it about me |
n'wawaldam8gon s/he knows it about me - 8da n'wawaldam8gowen s/he doesn't know it about me |
n'wawaldam8ssinana We know it about me - 8da n'wawaldam8ssiwenana We don't know it about me |
k'wawaldam8ssinana We know it about me - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiwenana We don't know it about me |
k'wawaldam8ssin8 you know it about me - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiwen8 you don't know it about me |
n'wawaldam8gon8 They know it about me - 8da n'wawaldam8gowen8 They don't know it about me |
subject/me/the things
AId AN (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite Animate Plural object))
k'wawaldam8ssinak almosak.
You know the dogs of mine.
n'wawaldam8ssinak I know the things about myself - 8da n'wawaldam8ssiwenak I don't know the things about myself |
k'wawaldam8ssinak You know the things about me - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiwenak You don't know the things about me |
n'wawaldam8gona s/he knows the things about me - 8da n'wawaldam8gowena s/he doesn't know the things about me |
n'wawaldam8ssinanawak We know the things about me - 8da n'wawaldam8ssiwenanawak We don't know the things about me |
k'wawaldam8ssinanawak We know the things about me - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiwenanawak We don't know the things about me |
k'wawaldam8ssin8k you know the things about me - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiwen8k you don't know the things about me |
n'wawaldam8gon8 They know the things about me - 8da n'wawaldam8gowen8 They don't know the things about me |
subject/me/the things
AId IN (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite Inanimate plural object)
k'wawaldam8ssinal 8tlokaw8ganal.
You know the stories of mine. |
n'wawaldam8ssinal I know the things about myself - 8da n'wawaldam8ssiwenal I don't know the things about myself |
k'wawaldam8ssinal You know the things about me - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiwenal You don't know the things about me |
n'wawaldam8gonal s/he knows the things about me - 8da n'wawaldam8gowenal s/he doesn't know the things about me |
n'wawaldam8ssinanawal We know the things about me - 8da n'wawaldam8ssiwenanawal We don't know the things about me |
k'wawaldam8ssinanawal We know the things about me - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiwenanawal We don't know the things about me |
k'wawaldam8ssin8l you know the things about me - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiwen8l you don't know the things about me |
n'wawaldam8gon8l They know the things about me - 8da n'wawaldam8gowen8l They don't know the things about me |
AI (Animate Intransitive)
Nid8ba k'wawalmegw.
My friend knows you.
Nigik almosak 8da k'wawalmegowiak.
Those dogs don't know you.
k'wawalmel I know you - 8da k'wawalmelo I don't know you |
k'wawalmezi You know yourself - 8da k'wawalmeziw You don't know yourself |
k'wawalmegw s/he knows you - 8da k'wawalmegowi s/he doesn't know you |
k'wawalmelbna We know you - 8da k'wawalmelobbna We don't know you |
k'wawalmelbna We know you - 8da k'wawalmelobbna We don't know you |
k'wawalmegok They know you
- 8da k'wawalmegowiak They don't know you |
AIi (Animate Intransitive with a secondary indefinite singular or plural object)
k'wawaldamol kid8ba.
I know a friend of yours.
k'wawaldam8gok lintow8gan.
They know a song for you. |
k'wawaldamol I know something about you - 8da k'wawaldamelo I don't know something about you |
k'wawaldam8ssi You know something about yourself - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiw You don't know something about yourself |
k'wawaldam8gw s/he knows something about you - 8da k'wawaldam8gowi s/he doesn't know something about you |
k'wawaldamolbna We know something about you - 8da k'wawaldamolobbna We don't know something about you |
k'wawaldamolbna We know something about you - 8da k'wawaldamolobbna We don't know something about you |
k'wawaldam8gok They know something about you - 8da k'wawaldam8gowiak They don't know something about you |
AId (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite object)
k'wawaldamolen kid8ba.
I know your friend.
k'wawaldam8gonn8 lintow8gan.
They know the song for you. |
k'wawaldamolen I know it/the thing about you - 8da k'wawaldamolowen I don't know it about you |
k'wawaldam8ssin You know it about youself - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiwen You don't know it about yourself |
k'wawaldam8gon s/he knows it about you - 8da k'wawaldam8gowen s/he doesn't know it about you |
k'wawaldamolenana We know it about you - 8da k'wawaldamolowenana We don't know it about you |
k'wawaldamolenana We know it about you - 8da k'wawaldamolowenana We don't know it about you |
k'wawaldam8gon8 They know it about you - 8da k'wawaldam8gowen8 They don't know it about you |
subject/you/the things
AId AN (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite Animate plural object)
k'wawaldamolenak kid8bak.
I know your friends.
k'wawaldamolenak I know the things about you - 8da k'wawaldamolowenak I don't know the things about you |
k'wawaldam8ssinak You know the things about youself - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiwenak You don't know the things about yourself |
k'wawaldam8gona s/he knows the things about you - 8da k'wawaldam8gowena s/he doesn't know the things about you |
k'wawaldamolenanawak We know the things about you - 8da k'wawaldamolowenanawak We don't know the things about you |
k'wawaldamolenanawak We know the things about you - 8da k'wawaldamolowenanawak We don't know the things about you |
k'wawaldam8gon8 They know it about you - 8da k'wawaldam8gowen8 They don't know it about you |
subject/you/the things
AId IN (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite Inanimate plural object)
k'wawaldam8gonn8l lintow8ganal.
They know the songs for you. |
k'wawaldamolenal I know the things about you - 8da k'wawaldamolowenal I don't know the things about you |
k'wawaldam8ssinal You know the things about youself - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiwenal You don't know the things about yourself |
k'wawaldam8gonal s/he knows the things about you - 8da k'wawaldam8gowenal s/he doesn't know the things about you |
k'wawaldamolenanawal We know the things about you - 8da k'wawaldamolowenanawal We don't know the things about you |
k'wawaldamolenanawal We know the things about you - 8da k'wawaldamolowenanawal We don't know the things about you |
k'wawaldam8gon8l They know the things about you - 8da k'wawaldam8gowen8l They don't know the things about you |
AI (Animate Intransitive)
Az8 wawalmezo.
John knows himself.
Az8nis 8da wawalmezowi.
Jeanne doesn't know herself.
wawalmezo s/he knows herself - 8da wawalmezowi s/he doesn't know herself
AIi (Animate Intransitive with a secondary indefinite singular or plural object)
w'wawaldam8sso lintow8gan.
She knows a song about herself.
8da w'wawaldam8ssowi phanemo.
He doesn't know a woman for himself.
wawaldam8sso s/he knows something about herself - 8da wawaldam8ssowi s/he doesn't know something about herself |
AId (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite object)
w'wawaldam8ssin lintow8gan.
She knows the song about herself.
8da w'wawaldam8ssowena phanemo.
He doesn't know the woman for himself.
w'wawaldam8ssin s/he knows it about him/herself - 8da w'wawaldam8ssowen s/he doesn't know it about him/herself |
subject/himself/the things
AI AN (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite Animate plural object)
8da w'wawaldam8ssowena phanemo.
He doesn't know the women for himself.
w'wawaldam8ssina s/he knows the things about him/herself - 8da w'wawaldam8ssowena s/he doesn't know the things about him/herself |
subject/himself/the things
AId IN (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definiate Inanimate plural object)
w'wawaldam8ssinal lintow8ganal.
She knows the songs about herself.
w'wawaldam8ssinal s/he knows the things about him/herself - 8da w'wawaldam8ssowenal s/he doesn't know the things about him/herself |
AI (Animate Intransitive)
Nid8ba n'wawalmegonna.
My friend knows us.
Magwak 8da n'wawalmegowinnawak.
The Mohawks don't know us.
k'wawalmibna You know us - 8da k'wawalmibbna You don't know us |
n'wawalmegonna s/he knows us - 8da n'wawalmegowinna s/he doesn't know us |
n'wawalmezibna We know ourselves - 8da n'wawalmezibbna We don't know ourselves |
k'wawalmezibna We know ourselves - 8da k'wawalmezibbna We don't know ourselves |
k'wawalmibna you know us - 8da k'wawalmibbna you don't know us |
n'wawalmegonnawak They know us - 8da n'wawalmegowinnawak They don't know us |
AIi (Animate Intransitive with a secondary indefinite singular or plural object)
k'wawaldam8ssibna almos.
You know a dog of ours.
8da n'wawaldam8gowinnawak lintow8gan.
They don't know a song of ours.
k'wawaldam8ssibna You know something about us - 8da k'wawaldam8ssibbna You don't know something about us |
n'wawaldam8gonna s/he knows something about us - 8da n'wawaldam8gowinna s/he doesn't know something about us |
n'wawaldam8ssibna We know something about ourselves - 8da n'wawaldam8ssibbna We don't know something about ourselves |
k'wawaldam8ssibna We know something about ourselves - 8da k'wawaldam8ssibbna We don't know something about ourselves |
k'wawaldam8ssibna you know something about us - 8da k'wawaldam8ssibbna you don't know something about us |
n'wawaldam8gonnawak They know something about us - 8da n'wawaldam8gowinnawak They don't know something about us |
AId (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite object)
k'wawaldam8ssinana almos.
You know our dog.
8da n'wawaldam8gowenn8 l8dwaw8gan.
They don't know our language.
k'wawaldam8ssinana You know it about us - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiwenana You don't know it about us |
n'wawaldam8gonana s/he knows it about us - 8da n'wawaldam8gowinana s/he doesn't know it about us |
n'wawaldam8ssinana We know it about ourselves - 8da n'wawaldam8ssiwenana We don't know it about ourselves |
k'wawaldam8ssinana We know it about ourselves - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiwenana We don't know it about ourselves |
k'wawaldam8ssinana you know it about us - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiwenana you don't know it about us |
n'wawaldam8gon8 They know it about us - 8da n'wawaldam8gowen8 They don't know it about us |
subject/us/the things
AId AN (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite Animate plural object)
8da n'wawaldam8gowenn8 almosa.
They don't know our dogs.
k'wawaldam8ssinanawak You know the things about us - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiwenanawak You don't know it about us |
n'wawaldam8gonanawak s/he knows the things about us - 8da n'wawaldam8gowinanawak s/he doesn't know the things about us |
n'wawaldam8ssinanawak We know the things about ourselves - 8da n'wawaldam8ssiwenanawak We don't know the things about ourselves |
k'wawaldam8ssinanawak We know the things about ourselves - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiwenanawak We don't know the things about ourselves |
k'wawaldam8ssinanawak you know the things about us - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiwenanawak you don't know the things about us |
n'wawaldam8gon8 They know the things about us - 8da n'wawaldam8gowen8 They don't know the things about us |
subject/us/the things
AId IN (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite Inanimate plural object)
8da n'wawaldam8gowenn8l lintow8ganal.
They don't know our songs.
k'wawaldam8ssinanawal You know the things about us - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiwenanawal You don't know it about us |
n'wawaldam8gonanawal s/he knows the things about us - 8da n'wawaldam8gowinanawal s/he doesn't know the things about us |
n'wawaldam8ssinanawal We know the things about ourselves - 8da n'wawaldam8ssiwenanawal We don't know the things about ourselves |
k'wawaldam8ssinanawal We know the things about ourselves - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiwenanawal We don't know the things about ourselves |
k'wawaldam8ssinanawal You know the things about us - 8da k'wawaldam8ssiwenanawal You don't know the things about us |
n'wawaldam8gon8l They know the things about us - 8da n'wawaldam8gowen8l They don't know the things about us |
subject/you all
AI (Animate Intransitive)
Nid8ba k'wawalmegow8.
My friend knows you.
Magwak 8da k'wawalmegowiw8k.
The Mohawks don't know you.
k'wawalmelba I know you - 8da k'wawalmelobba I don't know you |
k'wawalmegow8 s/he knows you - 8da k'wawalmegowiw8 s/he doesn't know you |
k'wawalmelbna We know you - 8da k'wawalmelobbna We don't know you |
k'wawalmeziba you know yourselves - 8da k'wawalmezibba you don't know yourselves |
k'wawalmegow8k They know you - 8da k'wawalmegowiw8k They don't know you |
subject/you all/something(s)
AIi (Animate Intransitive with a secondary indefinite singular or plural object)
k'wawaldamolba almos.
I know a dog of yours.
k'wawaldam8gw8k 8tlokaw8gan.
They know a story about you.
k'wawaldamolba I know something about you - 8da k'wawaldamolobba I don't know something about you |
k'wawaldam8gw8 s/he knows something about you - 8da k'wawaldam8gowiw8 s/he doesn't know something about you |
k'wawaldamolbna We know something about you - 8da k'wawaldamolobbna We don't know something about you |
k'wawaldam8ssiba you know something about yourselves - 8da k'wawaldam8ssibba you don't know something about yourselves |
k'wawaldam8gw8k They know something about you - 8da k'wawaldam8gowiw8k They don't know something about you |
subject/you all/it
AId (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite object)
k'wawaldamolen8 almos.
I know your dog.
8da k'wawaldam8gowinn8 l8dwaw8gan.
They don't know your language.
k'wawaldamolen8 I know it about you - 8da k'wawaldamolowen8 I don't know it about you |
k'wawaldam8gon8 s/he knows it about you - 8da k'wawaldam8gowen8 s/he doesn't know it about you |
k'wawaldamolenana We know it about you - 8da k'wawaldamolowenana We don't know it about you |
k'wawaldam8ssin8 you know it about yourselves - 8da k'wawaldam8ssowin8 you don't know it about yourselves |
k'wawaldam8gon8 They know it about you - 8da k'wawaldam8gowin8 They don't know it about you |
subject/you all/the things
AId AN (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite Animate plural object)
k'wawaldamolen8k almosak.
I know your dogs.
k'wawaldamolen8k I know the things about you - 8da k'wawaldamolowen8k I don't know the things about you |
k'wawaldam8gon8k s/he knows the things about you - 8da k'wawaldam8gowen8k s/he doesn't know the things about you |
k'wawaldamolenanawak We know the things about you - 8da k'wawaldamolowenanawak We don't know the things about you |
k'wawaldam8ssin8k you know the things about yourselves - 8da k'wawaldam8ssowin8k you don't know the things about yourselves |
k'wawaldam8gon8 They know the things about you - 8da k'wawaldam8gowin8 They don't know the things about you |
subject/you all/the things
AId IN (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite Inanimate plural object)
8da k'wawaldam8gowinn8l 8tlokaw8ganal.
They don't know your stories.
k'wawaldamolen8l I know the things about you - 8da k'wawaldamolowen8l I don't know the things about you |
k'wawaldam8gon8l s/he knows the things about you - 8da k'wawaldam8gowen8l s/he doesn't know the things about you |
k'wawaldamolenanawal We know the things about you - 8da k'wawaldamolowenanawal We don't know the things about you |
k'wawaldam8ssin8l you know the things about yourselves - 8da k'wawaldam8ssowin8l you don't know the things about yourselves |
k'wawaldam8gon8l They know the things about you - 8da k'wawaldam8gowin8l They don't know the things about you |
AI (Animate Intransitive)
Aln8bak w'wawalmezoak.
The Abenaki know themselves.
wawalmezoak They know themselves
- 8da wawalmezowiak They don't know themselves |
AIi (Animate Intransitive with a secondary indefinite singular or plural object)
wawaldam8ssoak walillak.
They know a truth about themselves.
wawaldam8ssoak san8ba.
They know a man for themselves.
wawaldam8ssoak They know something about themselves
- 8da wawaldam8ssowiak They don't know something about themselves |
AId (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite object)
w'wawaldam8ssinn8 walillak.
They know the truth about themselves.
w'wawaldam8ssinn8 san8ba.
They know the man for themselves.
w'wawaldam8ssinn8 They know it about themselves
- 8da w'wawaldam8ssiwenn8 They don't know it about themselves |
subject/themselves/the things
AId AN (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite Animate plural object)
w'wawaldam8ssinn8 san8ba.
They know the men for themselves.
w'wawaldam8ssinn8 They know the things about themselves
- 8da w'wawaldam8ssiwenn8 They don't know the things about themselves |
subject/themselves/the things
AId IN (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite Inanimate plural object)
w'wawaldam8ssinn8l nbiz8nal.
They know the medicines for themselves.
w'wawaldam8ssin8l They know the things about themselves
- 8da w'wawaldam8ssiwenn8l They don't know the things about themselves |
subject/each other
AI (Animate Intransitive)
Magwak wawalmedoak.
The Mohawks know each other.
n'wawalmedibna We know each other
- 8da n'wawalmedibbna We don't know each other |
k'wawalmedibna We know each other
- 8da k'wawalmedibbna We don't know each other |
k'wawalmediba You know each other
- 8da k'wawalmedibba You don't know each other |
wawalmedoak They know each other
- 8da wawalmedowiak They don't know each other |
subject/each other/something(s)
AIi (Animate Intransitive with a secondary indefinite singular or plural object)
n'wawaldam8wadibna 8tlokaw8gan.
We know a story about each other.
n'wawaldam8wadibna We know something about each other
- 8da n'wawaldam8wadibbna We don't know something about each other |
k'wawaldam8wadibna We know something about each other
- 8da k'wawaldam8wadibbna We don't know something about each other |
k'wawaldam8wadiba You know something about each other
- 8da k'wawaldam8wadibba You don't know something about each other |
wawaldamedoak They know something about each other
- 8da wawaldamedowiak They don't know something about each other |
subject/each other/it
AId (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite object)
8da w'wawaldam8wadiwenn8 lintow8gan.
They don't know a song for each other.
n'wawaldam8wadinana We know it about each other
- 8da n'wawaldam8wadiwenana We don't know it about each other |
k'wawaldam8wadinana We know it about each other
- 8da k'wawaldam8wadiwenana We don't know it about each other |
k'wawaldam8wadinn8 You know it about each other
- 8da k'wawaldam8wadiwenn8 You don't know it about each other |
w'wawaldam8wadinn8 They know it about each other
- 8da w'wawaldam8wadiwenn8 They don't know it about each other |
subject/each other/the things
AId AN (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite Animate plural object)
n'wawaldam8wadinanawak san8bak.
We know the men for the sake of each other.
n'wawaldam8wadinanawak We know the things about each other - 8da n'wawaldam8wadiwenanawak We don't know the things about each other |
k'wawaldam8wadinanawak We know the things about each other - 8da k'wawaldam8wadiwenanawak We don't know the things about each other |
k'wawaldam8wadinn8k You know the things about each other - 8da k'wawaldam8wadiwenn8k You don't know the things about each other |
w'wawaldam8wadinn8 They know the things about each other - 8da w'wawaldam8wadiwenn8 They don't know the things about each other |
subject/each other/the things
AId IN (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite Inanimate plural object)
n'wawaldam8wadinanawal 8tlokaw8ganal.
We know the stories about each other.
n'wawaldam8wadinanawal We know the things about each other - 8da n'wawaldam8wadiwenanawal We don't know the things about each other |
k'wawaldam8wadinanawal We know the things about each other - 8da k'wawaldam8wadiwenanawal We don't know the things about each other |
k'wawaldam8wadinn8l You know the things about each other - 8da k'wawaldam8wadiwenn8l You don't know the things about each other |
w'wawaldam8wadinn8l They know the things about each other - 8da w'wawaldam8wadiwenn8l They don't know the things about each other |
subject/by others
AI (Animate Intransitive)
n'wawalmegwezi aidid Bostonkik.
I am known by others who live in Boston.
n'wawalmegwezi I'm known by others
- 8da n'wawalmegweziw I'm not known by others |
k'wawalmegwezi You're known by others
- 8da k'wawalmegweziw You're not known by others |
wawalmegwezo s/he is known by others
- 8da wawalmegwezowi s/he is not known by others |
n'wawalmegwezibna We're known by others
- 8da n'wawalmegwezibbna We're not known by others |
k'wawalmegwezibna We're known by others
- 8da k'wawalmegwezibbna We're not known by others |
k'wawalmegweziba You're known by others
- 8da k'wawalmegwezibba You're not known by others |
wawalmegwezoak They are known by others
- 8da wawalmegwezowiak They are not known by others |
subject/by others/something(s)
AIi (Animate Intransitive with a secondary indefinite singular or plural object)
n'wawaldam8gwezibna Agomenokik.
Something about us is known in Europe.
n'wawaldam8gwezi Something about me is known by others - 8da n'wawaldam8gweziw Something about me is not known by others |
k'wawaldam8gwezi Something about you is known by others - 8da k'wawaldam8gweziw Something about you is not known by others |
wawaldam8gwezo Something about her is known by others - 8da wawaldam8gwezowi Something about her is not known by others |
n'wawaldam8gwezibna Something about us is known by others - 8da n'wawaldam8gwezibbna Something about us is not known by others |
k'wawaldam8gwezibna Something about us is known by others - 8da k'wawaldam8gwezibbna Something about us is not known by others |
k'wawaldam8gweziba Something about you is known by others - 8da k'wawaldam8gwezibba Something about you is not known by others |
wawaldam8gwezoak Something about them is known by others - 8da wawaldam8gwezowiak Something about them is not known by others |
subject/by others/it
AId (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite object)
n'wawaldam8gwezinana lintow8gan.
Others know the song about us.
n'wawaldam8gwezin Others know it about me - 8da n'wawaldam8gweziwen Others don't know it about me |
k'wawaldam8gwezin Others know it about you - 8da k'wawaldam8gweziwen Others don't know it about you |
w'wawaldam8gwezin Others know it about him/her - 8da w'wawaldam8gweziwen Others don't know it about him/her |
n'wawaldam8gwezinana Others know it about us - 8da n'wawaldam8gweziwenana Others don't know it about us |
k'wawaldam8gwezinana Others know it about us - 8da k'wawaldam8gweziwenana Others don't know it about us |
k'wawaldam8gwezinn8 Others know it about you - 8da k'wawaldam8gweziwenn8 Others don't know it about you |
w'wawaldam8gwezinn8 Others know it about them - 8da w'wawaldam8gweziwenn8 Others don't know it about them |
subject/by others/the things
AId AN (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite Animate plural object)
k'wawaldam8gwezina san8ba.
Others know the men for you.
n'wawaldam8gwezina Others know the things about me - 8da n'wawaldam8gweziwena Others don't know the things about me |
k'wawaldam8gwezina Others know the things about you - 8da k'wawaldam8gweziwena Others don't know the things about you |
w'wawaldam8gwezina Others know the things about him/her - 8da w'wawaldam8gweziwena Others don't know the things about him/her |
n'wawaldam8gwezinanawa Others know the things about us - 8da n'wawaldam8gweziwenanawa Others don't know the things about us |
k'wawaldam8gwezinanawa Others know the things about us - 8da k'wawaldam8gweziwenanawa Others don't know the things about us |
k'wawaldam8gwezinn8 Others know the things about you - 8da k'wawaldam8gweziwenn8 Others don't know the things about you |
w'wawaldam8gwezinn8 Others know the things about them - 8da w'wawaldam8gweziwenn8 Others don't know the things about them |
subject/by others/the things
AId IN (Animate Intransitive with a secondary definite Inanimate plural object)
n'wawaldam8gwezinal 8tlokaw8ganal.
Others know the stories about me.
n'wawaldam8gwezinal Others know the things about me - 8da n'wawaldam8gweziwenal Others don't know the things about me |
k'wawaldam8gwezinal Others know the things about you - 8da k'wawaldam8gweziwenal Others don't know the things about you |
w'wawaldam8gwezinal Others know the things about him/her - 8da w'wawaldam8gweziwenal Others don't know the things about him/her |
n'wawaldam8gwezinanawal Others know the things about us - 8da n'wawaldam8gweziwenanawal Others don't know the things about us |
k'wawaldam8gwezinanawal Others know the things about us - 8da k'wawaldam8gweziwenanawal Others don't know the things about us |
k'wawaldam8gwezinn8l Others know the things about you - 8da k'wawaldam8gweziwenn8l Others don't know the things about you |
w'wawaldam8gwezinn8l Others know the things about them - 8da w'wawaldam8gweziwenn8l Others don't know the things about them |
subject/by others
II (Inanimate Intransitive)
Nilil lintow8ganal wawalmegwadal.
Those songs are known by others.
wawalmegwad It is known by others
- 8da wawalmegwadowi it is not known by others |
wawalmegwadal they are known by others
- 8da wawalmegwadowial they are not known by others |
subject/an animate noun
TAi (Transitive Animate Indefinite)
n'wawalm8 san8ba.
I know a man.
n'wawalm8 I know someone
- 8da n'wawalm8w I don't know someone |
k'wawalm8 You know someone
- 8da k'wawalm8w You don't know someone |
wawalma s/he knows someone
- 8da wawalmawi s/he doesn't
know someone |
n'wawalm8bna We know someone
- 8da n'wawalm8bbna We don't know someone |
k'wawalm8bna We know someone
- 8da k'wawalm8bbna We don't know someone |
k'wawalm8ba you know someone
- 8da k'wawalm8bba You don't know someone |
wawalmak They know someone
- 8da wawalmawiak They don't know someone |
subject/something/an animate noun
DTi (Ditransitive Animate Indefinite)
n'wawaldamaw8 8tlokaw8gan.
I know a story about someone.
n'wawaldamaw8 I know something about someone - 8da n'wawaldamaw8w I don't know something about someone |
k'wawaldamaw8 You know something about someone - 8da k'wawaldamaw8w You don't know something about someone |
wawaldamawa s/he knows something about someone - 8da wawaldamawawi s/he doesn't something about know someone |
n'wawaldamaw8bna We know something about someone - 8da n'wawaldamaw8bbna We don't know something about someone |
k'wawaldamaw8bna We know something about someone - 8da k'wawaldamaw8bbna We don't know something about someone |
k'wawaldamaw8ba you know something about someone - 8da k'wawaldamaw8bba You don't know something about someone |
wawaldamawak They know something about someone - 8da wawaldamawiak They don't know something about someone |
TAd (Transitive Animate Definite)
n'wawalm8 Az8.
I know John. |
n'wawalm8 I know him
- 8da n'wawalm8wi I don't know him |
k'wawalm8 You know him
- 8da k'wawalm8wi You don't know him |
w'wawalm8 She knows him
- 8da w'wawalm8wi She doesn't know him |
n'wawalm8nna We know him
- 8da n'wawalm8winna We don't know him |
k'wawalm8nna We know him
- 8da k'wawalm8winna We don't know him |
k'wawalm8w8 you know him
- 8da k'wawalm8wiww8 you don't know him |
w'wawalm8w8 They know him
- 8da w'wawalm8wiww8 They don't know him |
subject/the thing/the animate noun
DTd (Ditransitive Animate Definite)
n'wawaldamaw8n 8tlokaw8gan.
I know the story about him.
n'wawaldamaw8n I know the thing about someone - 8da n'wawaldamaw8wen I don't know the thing about someone |
k'wawaldamaw8n You know the thing about someone - 8da k'wawaldamaw8wen You don't know the thing about someone |
wawaldamaw8n s/he knows the thing about someone - 8da wawaldamaw8wen s/he doesn't the thing about know someone |
n'wawaldamaw8nana We know the thing about someone - 8da n'wawaldamaw8wena We don't know the thing about someone |
k'wawaldamaw8nana We know the thing about someone - 8da k'wawaldamaw8wena We don't know the thing about someone |
k'wawaldamaw8nn8 you know the thing about someone - 8da k'wawaldamaw8wenn8 You don't know the thing about someone |
wawaldamaw8nn8 They know the thing about someone - 8da wawaldamaw8wenn8 They don't know the thing about someone |
subject/some animate noun
TAi (Transitive Animate Indefinite Plural)
n'wawalm8 san8bak.
I know some men. |
n'wawalm8 I know some ones
- 8da n'wawalm8w I don't know some ones |
k'wawalm8 You know some ones
- 8da k'wawalm8w You don't know some ones |
wawalma s/he knows some ones
- 8da wawalmawi s/he doesn't know some ones |
n'wawalm8bna We know some ones
- 8da n'wawalm8bbna We don't know some ones |
k'wawalm8bna We know some ones
- 8da k'wawalm8bbna We don't know some ones |
k'wawalm8ba you know some ones
- 8da k'wawalm8bba You don't know some ones |
wawalmak They know some ones
- 8da wawalmawiak They don't know some ones |
TAd (Transitive Animate Definite Plural)
n'wawalm8k the men.
I know the san8bak. |
n'wawalm8k I know them - 8da n'wawalm8wiak I don't know them |
k'wawalm8k You know them - 8da k'wawalm8wiak You don't know them |
w'wawalm8 s/he knows them - 8da w'wawalm8wia s/he doesn't know them |
n'wawalm8nnawak We know them - 8da n'wawalm8winnawak We don't know them |
k'wawalm8nnawak We know them - 8da k'wawalm8winnawak We don't know them |
k'wawalm8w8k you know them - 8da k'wawalm8wiww8k you don't know them |
w'wawalm8w8k They know them - 8da w'wawalm8wiww8k They don't know them |
subject/the thing/the animate noun
DTd AN (Ditransitive Animate Definite Animate Plural)
n'wawaldamaw8na wid8ba.
I know his friends.
n'wawaldamaw8na I know the thing about him - 8da n'wawaldamaw8wena I don't know the thing about him |
k'wawaldamaw8na You know the thing about him - 8da k'wawaldamaw8wena You don't know the thing about him |
wawaldamaw8na s/he knows the thing about him - 8da wawaldamaw8wena s/he doesn't the thing about know him |
n'wawaldamaw8nanawa We know the thing about him - 8da n'wawaldamaw8wenawa We don't know the thing about him |
k'wawaldamaw8nanawa We know the thing about him - 8da k'wawaldamaw8wenawa We don't know the thing about him |
k'wawaldamaw8nn8 you know the thing about him - 8da k'wawaldamaw8wenn8 You don't know the thing about him |
wawaldamaw8nn8 They know the thing about him - 8da wawaldamaw8wenn8 They don't know the thing about him |
subject/the thing/the animate noun
DTd IN (Ditransitive Animate Definite Inanimate Plural)
n'wawaldamaw8nanawal lintow8ganal.
We know his songs.
n'wawaldamaw8nal I know the thing about him - 8da n'wawaldamaw8wenal I don't know the thing about him |
k'wawaldamaw8nal You know the thing about him - 8da k'wawaldamaw8wenal You don't know the thing about him |
wawaldamaw8nal s/he knows the thing about him - 8da wawaldamaw8wenal s/he doesn't the thing about know him |
n'wawaldamaw8nanawal We know the thing about him - 8da n'wawaldamaw8wenawal We don't know the thing about him |
k'wawaldamaw8nanawal We know the thing about him - 8da k'wawaldamaw8wenawal We don't know the thing about him |
k'wawaldamaw8nn8l you know the thing about him - 8da k'wawaldamaw8wenn8l You don't know the thing about him |
wawaldamaw8nn8l They know the thing about him - 8da wawaldamaw8wenn8l They don't know the thing about him |
TIi (Transitive Inanimate Indefinite)
n'wawaldam 8tlokaw8gan.
I know a story.
n'wawaldam I know something - 8da n'wawaldamo I don't know something |
k'wawaldam You know something - 8da k'wawaldamo You don't know something |
wawaldam s/he knows something - 8da wawaldamowi s/he doesn't know something |
n'wawaldamebna We know something - 8da n'wawaldamobbna We don't know something |
k'wawaldamebna We know something - 8da k'wawaldamobbna We don't know something |
k'wawaldameba you know something - 8da k'wawaldamobba You don't know something |
wawaldamak They know something - 8da wawaldamowiak They don't know something |
TId (Transitive Inanimate Definite)
n'wawalmamen 8tlokaw8gan.
I know the story.
n'wawaldamen I know it - 8da n'wawaldamowen I don't know it |
k'wawaldamen You know it - 8da k'wawaldamowen You don't know it |
w'wawaldamen s/he knows it - 8da w'wawaldamowen s/he doesn't know it |
n'wawaldamenana We know it - 8da n'wawaldamowenana We don't know it |
k'wawaldamenana We know it - 8da k'wawaldamowenana We don't know it |
k'wawaldamen8 you know it - 8da k'wawaldamowen8 you don't know it |
w'wawaldamen8 They know it - 8da w'wawaldamowen8 They don't know it |
TIi (Transitive Inanimate Indefinite Plural)
n'wawaldam 8tlokaw8ganal.
I know some stories. |
n'wawaldam I know some things
- 8da n'wawaldamo I don't know some things |
k'wawaldam You know some things
- 8da k'wawaldamo You don't know some things |
wawaldam s/he knows some things
- 8da wawaldamowi s/he doesn't know some things |
n'wawaldamebna We know some things
- 8da n'wawaldamobbna We don't know some things |
k'wawaldamebna We know some things
- 8da k'wawaldamobbna We don't know some things |
k'wawaldameba you know some things
- 8da k'wawaldamobba You don't know some things |
wawaldamak They know some things
- 8da wawaldamowiak They don't know some things |
TId (Transitive Inanimate Definite Plural)
n'wawaldamenal 8tlokaw8ganal.
I know the villages. |
n'wawaldamenal I know them
- 8da n'wawaldamowenal I don't know them |
k'wawaldamenal You know them
- 8da k'wawaldamowenal You don't know them |
w'wawaldamenal s/he knows them
- 8da w'wawaldamowenal s/he doesn't know them |
n'wawaldamenawal We know them
- 8da n'wawaldamowenawal We don't know them |
k'wawaldamenawal We know them
- 8da k'wawaldamowenawal We don't know them |
k'wawaldamen8l you know them
- 8da k'wawaldamowen8l you don't know them |
w'wawaldamen8l They know them
- 8da w'wawaldamowen8l They don't know them |