Tkawansen.`Cool air; it is cool.'
Pakwsatakisgad.`Dry weather; it is --.'
Wdagkisgad.`Damp weather; it is --.'
Mnasokw.`A cloud.'
Pesgawan.`Foggy; it is --.'
Sogl8n.`Rain; it rains.'
Ps8n.`It snows.'
Kladen.`Frost; it is frozen.'
Sikwla.`Glazed frost.'
Weskata.`Thaw; it thaws.'
Pkuami; pkuamiak.`Ice; icicles.'
Pabadegw. `Hail.'
Pad8gi. `Thunder.'
Nanamkiapoda.`An earthquake; there is --.'
Petguel8msen.`A whirlwind; there is --.'
Ktolagw. `A vessel; ship; frigate.'
Abodes. `A launch, a yawl.'
Pados. `A boat.'
Stimbot. `A steamer.'
Mdawakwam. `The mast.'
Sibakhigan{al}.`The sails.'
Wlokuahigan. `The rudder.'
Pihanak.`The ropes.'
Mdawagen. `The flag.'
Wskidolagua.`The deck; on the --.'
Al8molagua.`The hold; in the --.'
Al8msagw; Al8msagok. `Cabin, chamber; in the --.'
Kaptin. `The captain.'
Komi. `The clerk.'
Notkuaag. `The pilot.'
Pgoisa{k}.`The sailors, the crew.'
Nodaksit. `A seaman.'