Western Abenaki Dictionary and Radio: Western Abenaki Language Resource, lessons, music, traditional stories of the Abenaki Indians.
NEW FAMILIAR ABENAKIS AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES The first ever published on the grammatical system BY JOS. LAURENT, Abenakis Chief, 1884
Kchai ta wski aln8ba
`The father and the son.'
(literally "the old and young man")
Kchi phanem ta wdosa
`The mother and the daughter.'
(literally "biggreat woman
and her daughter")
Al8gom8mek. `The relation.'
Nmit8gwes. `My father.'
Kmit8gwes. `Thy father.'
Wmit8gwsa. `His (her) father.'
Nigawes. `My mother.'
Wigawessa. `His (her) mother.'
Nmahom. `My grandfather.'
Nokemes. `My grandmother.'
Okemessa. `His (her) grandmother.'
Okemesw8. `Their grandmother.'
Niswiak. `My husband; my wife.'
Niswiakw. `Thy husband, thy wife.'
Niswiidiji. `His wife; her husband.'
Nzihlos. `My father-in-law.'
Nzegues. `My mother-in-law.'
Wazilmit or wazilmegoa. `My son-in-law.'
Nsem. `My daughter-in-law.'
Kalnegoa. `My god-father; my god-mother.'
Wskinnossis. `A lad, a little boy.'
N8kskuasis. `A young little girl.'
N8jikw. `My step-father; my uncle.'
Kokemis. `My step-mother; my aunt.'
Noses. `My grand-son, my grand-daughter.'
Osessa. `His (her) grand child.'
Nijia. `My brother'; (a term peculiar to a {male}.)
Nitsakaso. `My sister'; (term peculiar to a {female}.)
Nid8bso. `My brother'; (when the speaker is a {female}.)
Nid8bso. `My sister'; (when the speaker is a {male}.)
Nidokan. `My brother', (older than I.)
Nmessis. `My sister', (older than I.)
Nichemis. `My brother, my sister', (younger than I.)
Nn8jikw. `My uncle', (my father's brother.)
Nzasis. `My uncle', (my mother's brother,)
Nokem. `My aunt', (my father's sister.)
Nokemis. `My aunt', (my mother's sister.)
Nad8gwes. `My cousin',
The son of my father's sister, or of mother's brother.
Nad8gwseskua. `My cousin',
A term peculiar to a {male}, which signifies: `cousin of mine, the daughter of my father's sister: or of my mother's brother.'
Nad8gwsis. `My cousin',
A term peculiar to a {female}, which signifies: cousin of mine, the daughter of my father's sister, or of my mother's brother.'
Nad8gw. `My brother-in-law',
A term peculiar to a {male}, which signifies: `my wife's brother, my sister's husband.'
Nilem. `My sister-in-law'
A term which signifies: `my brother's wife, my wife's sister.'
Nad8gw. `My brother-in-law',
A term peculiar to a {female}, which signifies: `my husband's brother, my husband's sister.'