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Western Abenaki Radio Lesson 7 Transcript

Basic Conversational Phrases

t8ni alosaan? where have you been?
n8dossa kpiwi I've been in the woods
ngwichiwi? alone?
nda, spiwi nizwiano, with my spouse
n'wig8dam ali kizi sigwaniwi I'm happy its already spring
abaziak m8ja wanibagowal the trees are getting their leaves
kagwi lla what's up
nda kagwi n8damiwi not anything much
kagwsa lalokak what are they doing
8bchiabizoak they are resting
aiag8 agakimzia I must study
akwiga madw8zi do not complain
kas8mkipoda ato nikw8biwhat time is it now
sp8swiwiit is early
kiziba mili pilaskol?could you give me the papers?
kwinnata spikiwi it is quite late








