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Western Abenaki Radio Episode 8 Transcript

Kwai kwai / nid8bak / ni / k'wlipai8bna / li / Aln8ba8dwa / l8baktahigan.
Hello / my friends / and / welcome / to / Western Abenaki (human speech) / Radio.

Kizi / ka / niona / ns8zek / akw8btak! / N'kawachowi / K'gezaldamn8!
Already / it is / our / eighth / episode! / I hope / you are all enjoying it!

Pamgisgak / n'waj8nem / gassekigek / k'mildolbaji / wji / debestamenal.
Today / I have / many different things / I will give you / to / listen to.

Natami / nd'agiziji / olawigh8zow8gan / kizit8gw / Sozap Blochak.
First / I will read / a poem / crafted by / Joseph Bruchac.



    walks with me
    Pemosa spiwi nia

    through the forest
    Z8bka kpiwi

    When Grandfather
    Chiga mahom

    walks with me
    Pemosa spiwi nia

    I am not afraid
    Nda n’jajibamalsiw


    leads me

    up the hill

    From the hill

    I see

    a long long way
    Pita nopaiwi



    a song to me
    lintow8gan wji nia

    It’s a song

    I will sing

    again and again
    Mina ta mina


    is never
    Nda kizi wd’ao

    far away

    My Grandfather

    is the wind.
    ao Al8msek.

    Enni! / Kaalata / al8msek / pemosa / kassiwi / kiona.
    Great! / Indeed / the wind / walks/ with / us.

    Nakwaltak / n'waj8nemen / n8wad / lintow8gan / wji / namasak.
    Next / I have an / old / song / for / the fish.

  • Namasak Lintow8gan from Songs of the Wabanaki

    Wlit8gwat! / Wligen / ni / lintow8gan.
    Sounds great! / It is good / that / song.

    Nikw8bi / 8tlokaw8gan / wji / Klosk8ba / ta / namasak. / Liwlaldamena / wlidebestamen!
    Now / a story / about / Klosk8ba / and / the fish. / Please / listen to it well!

  • Klosk8ba Adelahigan

    Klosk8ba / Papemosat
    Klosk8mba / was walking about

    Okemos / wd’al8ma / sibok / ni / Klosk8ba / w’wawalegop / w’zahagi8mak.
    Grandmother / she was fishing / at the river / and / Klosk8ba / he noticed / she had a hard time at fishing.

    mawia / n’wijokam8gwa / Nokomes idam
    It would be better / if I helped her / my grandmother he said

    Wji / nda / w’zahagi8mako.
    in order that / not / she have such a hard time fishing

    Ni / Klosk8ba / wliton / adelahigan / ag8z8ghitegwak.
    So / Klosk8ba / made it / a weir / across the mouth of the river.

    Niga / odosan / zobagok / wd’olek
    Then / he went / to the ocean / in his canoe

    Zobagw zigebasahla! w’g8g8lewamek. / mziwik / ki8w8 / namasak / k’machinabaji.
    the ocean / will become dry! / he shouted. / all / you / fish / you will die.

    Kanwa n’kiziton wji ni k’pmoz8l8zibaji. / Mziwik / nigik / awanigik / k’nodamiba.
    But / I have made it / so / that / you will survive. / All / those / who / hear me

    N’kiziton / n’zibomen / wji / majimiwi / ao. / Pidiga / n’zibok / ni / k’pm8z8l8ziba.
    I have made it / my river it / to / always / be. / Enter / my river / and / you will survive.

    Namasak / nodamen8p / w’klozow8ganal.
    The fish / heard / his words.

    kd’achowibna / pidiga / w’zibo / ala / machina. / agm8w8 / idamen8p.
    we must / enter / his river / or / die.” / they / said.

    Mziwik namasak / wji / p8paami piwseso / namasiz / li / mskwamagw / ta / kchi / kabasa,
    All the fish / from / the smallest / minnow / to / salmon / and / great / sturgeon

    W’dakasmoak / li / z8ghitegwak. / w’pidigaak / Klosk8ba / adelahigan / li / psanton.
    They swam / to / the mouth of the river. / they entered / Klosk8ba’s / trap / until / it filled.

    Niga / Klosk8ba / kbaha / adelahigan / ni / mziwik / namasak / w’bithamen8.
    Then / Klosk8ba / closed / the trap / and / all / the fish / they were captured.

    Klosk8ba / odosan / w’wigw8mek.
    Klosk8ba / went / his wigwam to.

    Nd’aloka / kagwi / kchi wligen / Nokomes, idam.
    I have done / something / great good is it / grandmother, he said.

    Nda nikw8bi k’zahagi8maw
    Not / now / you have a hard time fishing

    Nikw8bi / ibitta / kd’achowi / m8ji / zibok / wji / gassijigit / wji / namasak / g8gagwi / k’kadi.
    Now / only / you need / go / river to / for / all different kinds / of / fish / anything / you want.

    Okemes/ agaskw / odosan / namiton / kagwi / kizi / wd’aloka.
    Grandmother / woodchuck / went / to see it / what / had / he done.

    W’namiton / adelahigan / wz8mi / bsanto / wji / namasak / gassijigit.
    She saw it / the weir / to much / filled / of / fish / of all kinds.

    Nosis, / idam, / nda / k’z8baloka. / Mziwik / namasak / nda / kizi / wd’oz8l8zowiak/ kd’adelahiganek.
    Grandson / she said / not / you have done well. / All / the fish / not / can / survive / in your trap.

    w’machinaakji / Niga / t8niji / aln8bak / awanigik / pai8ak / kizi / niona / wd’alokaadit / kiz8wzoak?
    They will die. / Then / what will / the humans / who / come / after / us / they do / to be able to live?

    Niona / kizi / waj8n8 / dabinamasak / wji / nikw8bi. M8ji / k’boniam8k.
    We / already / have / enough fish / for now. Go / you release them.

    Klosk8ba / wawtam / okemes / agaskw / wl8ma.
    Klosk8ba / understood / grandmother / woodchuck / was correct.

    K’wl8ma, / nokemes.” / idam. / Niga / odosan / ni / t8wdana / wd’adelahigan.
    You are right / my grandmother / he said . / Then / he went / and / opened / his weir.

    “n’kiziton / wskisobagw / wji / mziwik / ki8w8 / w’dakasmibak. / idam
    I have made / new ocean / for / all / you / to swim in. / he said.

    Niga / mziwik / namasak / sahosagw / wd’adelahigan. / Mina w’pidigaak zobagok.
    Then / all the fish / they leave / his weir. / Again / they enter / the ocean.

    Nikw8bi, / wz8mi / namas / giwhlowadakaak / agm8w8 / askwa / dakasmoak / adelahiganek / ni / bitha.
    Now / because / fish / they are foolish / they / still / they swim / into traps / and / get caught.

    Kanwa / nikw8bi, / nda / awanigik / kizi / bitho / mziwik / namasak / mina.
    But / now / no / one / can / catch / all / the fish / again.

    Kokwan8gw! / Klosk8ba / wz8mi / sawi / giwhlowalga.
    Golly! / Klosk8ba / to / often / he is foolish.

    Kanwa / kizi kd'elestamenanal / agma / bijiw8ganal.
    However / we can learn by listening to them / his / mistakes.

    Mejessala / wskiwaw8jemoik / 8dokazw8gan / spiwi / Migakawinno / ta / Nokidah8zid,
    Finally / a new phone / conversation / with / the warrior / and / the peaceful one,

    aoak / al8gom8mek, mit8gwes / ta / nam8n
    they are / relatives / father / and / son.

  • Phone

    Migakawinno: Kwai nmit8gwes t8ni kd'8l8zi pamgisgak?
    Hello father how are you today?

    Nokidah8zid: n'oligi wliwni n'nam8n
    I'm good thankyou my son

    Migakawinno: kagwi llit8wat?
    what's the news?

    Nokidah8zid: nda nodamiwi.
    nothing much in particular

    Migakawinno: t8ni kodosan nanojiwi?
    where have you been lately?

    Nokidah8zid: nodosan wigw8mek spiwi kigawes.
    I have been at home with your mother

    Migakawinno: liwlaldmana kd'ehl8 nd'ida kwai ta n'gezalm8!
    please tell her I say hello and I love her!

    Nokidah8zid: pakalmegwat n'nam8n nd'ehl8ji.
    ofcourse my son I will tell her.

    Migakawinno: wliwni nemit8gwes.
    thank you father

    Nokidah8zid: ni hli t8ni n'osesabnak?
    and tell me how are our grandchildren?

    Migakawinno: agm8w8 wd'8l8zoak. Kchihlaak!
    they are well. They grow bigger!

    Nokidah8zid: 8zokokita!
    I'm sure!

    Migakawinno: n'doz kizi wd'aln8ba8dwa tagassiwi.
    My daughter already she speaks Abenaki a little.

    Nokidah8zid: enni! Kagwi kizi w'klozo?
    Great! What can she say?

    Migakawinno: kizi w'klozo "kwai" ta "k'kezalmel" ta "achi" ta "wliwni" ta "nda kagwi"

    Nokidah8zid: kaalata wligen n'nam8n. nd'ai pita gezal8!
    Indeed it is good my son. I am very proud of her!

    Nokidah8zid: achi nd'ai pita gezal8!
    Also I am very proud of her!

    Migakawinno: io tojiwi nd'aiag8 m8ji.
    It is time I must go.

    Nokidah8zid: nda kagwi nemit8gwes, k'chigitawal, wliwni debelod8zimek spiwi nia.
    No problem father, I will let you go, thankyou for discusing with me.

    Migakawinno: wlinanawalmizi n'nam8n!
    Take care!

    Nokidah8zid: wlalemegw8gan nemit8gwes!
    Be well wished father!

    ni / mziwi / wji / pamgisgak. / N'kawachowi / K'gezaldamn88p!
    That's / all / for / today. / I hope / you enjoyed it!

    alemiagakimzi / ni / nabiwi / mawiklozi / kd'aln8baiwi!
    Continue studying / and / soon / better speak / you in Indian.

    Be well wished!