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Western Abenaki Radio Episode 9 Transcript

You all I greet!

Pamgisgak / pita / n'wlidah8zi / ali / matanaski / Sigwan / pedgipai8 / li / Nd'ahkinna!
today / very / I am happy / because / finally / Spring / has returned / to / our land!

nikw8bi / waz8li / matanaski / zogebaso / achi / kizi / ndadan / zogalikan.
now / snow / finally melts / and / already / my dad / makes maple syrup.

nabihla / kikhadin.
soon it will be / planting time.

askwa / tkidebakad / kanwa / kisokol / gwenahla.
still / cold at night / but / the days / grow longer.

achi / n'namih8 / gwikweskas / kdak / gizegad.
also / I saw / a robin / the other / day.

Nikw8bi / wd'alamikawa / lintow8gan / wji / Sigwan.
now / a greeting him / song / for / spring.

- Greeting Song

Nakwaltak / nd'agiziji / kdak / olawigh8zow8gan / kizit8gw / Sozap Blwchak.
next / I will read / another / poem / by / Joseph Bruchac.

  • WHO ARE YOU? / Awani kia?

    Who are you?
    Awani kia?

    I am the one
    nd'ai awani

    who calls the birds
    wikwim8d sibsak

    back to the north.
    w'pedgipai8ak pebonek

    The warm wind
    wl8da wl8msen

    is my breath.
    wd'ao msinasa

    Who are you?
    Awani kia?

    I am the one
    nd'ai awani

    who helps the trees
    wijokam8k abaziak

    put on blankets
    awami masksaal

    of green leaves.
    wji askaskigenol wanibagol

    Who are you?
    Awani kia?

    I am the one
    nd'ai awani

    who tells the snow
    nd'hl8 waz8lid

    the day has come
    kizokw kizi pai8b

    for it to go.
    wji w'sahosa

    Who are you?
    Awani kia?

    I am the one
    nd'ai awani

    who wakes the frogs
    n'dok8 chegwalak

    so they can sing.
    wji agm8w8 kizi lintoak


    you know me.
    k'wawinaw8 nia

    I am the Spring.
    nd'ai Sigwan

    Nikw8bi / 8tlokaw8gan / wji / Sigwan / n8neg8niwi.
    now / a story / about / Spring / in times long ago.

  • Gluskonba Defeats Winter / Klosk8ba B8gtaha Pebon

    Klosk8ba / w'pai8 / w'wigw8mek / wiwnakannik.
    Klosk8ba / he came / to his wigwam / from traveling.

    "n'wlidah8zi / k'namiol," / okemes / Agaskw / idam.
    "I am glad / you I see," / his grandmother / Agaskw / said.

    kizi / zahagipon. / gassoak / gwaskwal8moodijik.
    It has been / a hard winter. / Many / starved to death.

    wz8mi / ms8gwata / nda / amochka / abaziak / namihawiak.
    too much / deep snow / not / even / the trees / could be seen.

    "nd'odakaw8 / Pebon." / Klosk8ba / idam.
    "I am going to visit / Pebon / Klosk8ba said.

    w'mamagah8k / n'pm8wzowinnomenawak / wz8mi / spiwi / w'mdawlinnom8gan.
    he abuses them / our people / too much / with / his power.

    nd'aiag8 / pazowa / Niben. / T8ni / ait / Niben?
    I must / bring him / Niben. / Where / lives / Niben?

    "Niben / wigit / nopaiwi / Nibenakik," / Okemes / idam.
    "Niben / lives / far / to the south," / his grandmother / said.

    "wd'ik8l8w8 / t8baw8z / mkazasak.
    "They guard him / seven / crows.

    w'gad8depanak / chaga / awani / gwagwaji / nimska / Niben."
    They pull off head / if / someone / tries / to get / Niben."

    "nd'aiag8 / losa," / Klosk8ba / idam. / "8gemaka wji nia.
    "I must / go," / Klosk8ba / said. / "Make snowshoes for me.

    l8bashiga / wji / wlito / t8baw8z / babaskwham8ganal."
    cut rawhide strips / to / make / seven / balls."

    wd'8gemakabanik / ngwed8z / 8gemakzoak.
    she made snowshoes / six / pairs of snowshoes.

    niz8gemabizwanakzoak wji mag8liboiwaia,
    Two pairs of snowshoes / of / caribou,

    niz8gemabizwanakzoak wji nolkawaia,
    two pairs of snowshoes / of / deer,

    achi / nenizoak / wji mozwaia.
    also / two pairs / of / moose.

    wd'adebigwanal /t8baw8z / babaskwham8ganal / wji / ologasal.
    she rolled him / seven / balls / of / rawhide string.

    Klosk8ba / pmosa / sowanakik.
    Klosk8ba / walked / south.

    w'matkamak / nhloak / 8gemakzoak.
    he wore out / three / pairs of snowshoes.

    sp8gwatahla / nod8iwi.
    the depth of the snow became / less.

    bad8gema / baskahkik.
    he arrived on snowshoes / at bare ground.

    wd'gad8gemam / ni / agholiikok / agwejabijik / 8gemak / abazik.
    he took off his snowshoes / and / hung them there / his remaining / snowshoes / in a tree

    w'namiton / odana / wji / ik8l8innoak / wji / Niben.
    he saw it / the village / of / the protectors / of / Niben.

    w'nanawalemaw8 / Niben / al8migamigok / kchi al8miwalagaol8gan.
    they kept / Niben / inside their wigwam / in a big bark dish.

    w'wiwnigen8 / ol8gan.
    they were all dancing around / the dish.

    Klosk8ba / pidigad / ni / pmeg8 / spiwi / agm8w8.
    Klosk8ba / went in / and / danced / with / them.

    niga w'bawanado / wji / bezegahla / wigw8mw8k.
    then / he wished with power / for / it to become dark / in the wigwam.

    kwanibezegatag / w'gemodenem / bsigia / Niben / ni / bolewad.
    while it was dark / he stole / part of / Niben / and / he ran away.

    "pilowaka w'gemodenem Niben," pemeg8innoak g8g8lewak.
    “the stranger stole Summer,” the dancers shouted.

    gizihozoak / kchimkazasak / ni / w'm8jagwildawaw8.
    they made themselves / big crows / and / they began to pursue him.

    kwanikez8mahl8, / Klosk8ba / nokabido / ologasababaskwham8gan w'depek.
    as he ran, / Klosk8ba / loosely tied / a rawhide ball / on his head.

    nitamabid / mkazas / gajipto / nitamatag / babaskwham8gan
    the first / crow / snatched away / the first / ball

    "n'waj8nemen / w'dep," / mkazas / megikam.
    "I have it / his head," / the crow / cawed.

    Klosk8ba / alemikez8mahl8. / nokabido / nis akw8btak / babaskwham8gan / w'depek.
    Klosk8ba / kept running. / He tied / a second / ball / on his head.

    nizwabid mkazas / benidoo / ni / gajipton.
    a second crow / flew down / and / snatched it away.

    "8da, / n'waj8nem / w'dep," / nizwabid / mkazas / megikam.
    “no, / I have / his head,” / the second / crow / cawed.

    bapazego, / mkazasak / w'gajiptonak / babaskwham8ganal / w'kwanikez8mahl8 / Klosk8ba.
    one by one, / the crows / grabbed / rawhide balls / as he ran / Klosk8ba.

    anegi / t8baw8z akw8btak / ologasababaskwham8gan
    after / the seventh / rawhide ball

    Klosk8ba / bad8lka / waz8li / ni / mkazasak / pedegwihla.
    Klosk8ba / reached / the snow / and / the crows / turned back.

    odena / wd'8gemamak / abazik / ni / m8japemosa / pebonkik.
    he took / his snowshoes / from the tree / and / began to walk / north.

    pmosa / lli / w'matekam / wd'8gemamak.
    he walked / until / he wore out / his showshoes.

    bad8gema / adali / Pebon / wigit.
    he reached / the place where / Pebon / lived.

    Pebon / pkwamigamikw. / Pebon / al8mabit.
    Winter’s / house made of ice. / Winter / sat inside.

    ao / pkwamisan8ba. / w'pkwanijol. / w'depkwanal / kiziton / wji / waz8li.
    he was / a man of ice. / his nose was an icicle. / his hair / was made / of / snow.

    w'skweda / kiziton / wji / bemiwassensikwla.
    his fire / was made / of / glittering frost.

    Klosk8ba / pidigan. / pkwamikl8gan / kbaha / kwelbiwi / agma
    Klosk8ba / went inside. / the ice door / shut / behind / him.

    "kwai, kwai, / n'mahom," Klosk8ba / idam.
    “Kwai, kwai, / grandfather,” Klosk8ba / said.

    "kwai, kwai, / noses," / Pebon / idam, / mamesani.
    “kwai, kwai, / grandchild,” / Winter / said, / mockingly.

    "pita / k'kwaskwaji"
    “very / you are cold.”

    Klosk8ba / zawipto / Niben.
    Klosk8ba / took out / Summer.

    8da," / Klosk8ba / idam. / "pita / k'kzabzi."
    “no,” / Gluskonba / said. / “very / you are hot.”

    olagwto / Niben / pasojiwi / pkwamiskwedak
    he put down / Summer / near / the ice fire

    "k'galaji," / Pebon / idam.
    “you are freezing,” / Winter / said.

    "8da, / k'sogebaso," / Klosk8ba / idam.
    “no, / you are melting,” / Klosk8ba / said.

    pkwamisan8ba / 8psazihla. / "noses, / wz8mi / n'kzabzi. / kd'achowi / alemosa."
    the ice man / began to sweat. / “Grandson, / too much / I am hot. / You should / go away.”

    n'mahom, / k'kzabzi, / kanwa / 8da / nd'alemosaw." / Klosk8ba / idam.
    “grandfather, / you are hot, / but / not / I go away.” / Klosk8ba / replied.

    "k'nihl8i," / Pebon / idam.
    “you are killing me,” / Winter / said.

    "k'nihlol," / Klosk8ba / idam.
    “I am killing you,” / Klosk8ba / replied.

    Pebon / kwenijol / litasen. / w'depkwanal / sogebasop.
    Winter’s / long nose / dropped off. / his hair / melted away.

    w'pedinal / ta / w'k8dal / biwaaskeda.
    his arms / and / legs / shrank away in the heat.

    w'pkwamigamigw / gedahla / ahkik.
    his ice house / sank / into the ground.

    mejassala / tkal8msen / spigwena / Pebon / ni / bemowama / w'pedgi / pebonkik.
    a final / cold wind / picked up / Winter / and / carried / him back / to the north.

    bedegw8gizo / wji / w8bipskasaw8nal / m8jagi / adali / Pebon / tkaskweda / aop.
    a circle / of / white flowers / grew / where / Winter’s / cold fire / had been.

    wiwni / Klosk8ba / sibsak / lintoak / abaziikok / ta / wskiwanibagol / m8jagi.
    all around / Gluskonba / birds / sang / in the trees / and / new leaves / grew.

    w'kizi / b8gtahap / Pebon. / Sigwan / kizi / pai8p.
    he had / defeated / Winter. / Spring / had / come.

    Mejesala / n'waj8nem / kdak / 8dokazw8gan
    lastly / I have / another / conversation

  • Waw8jemoik: Nigawes ta Nam8n

    Nigawes: kwai kwai nam8n!
    Hello son

    Nam8n: kwai nigawes, n'kawachowi kd'8wl8wzi?
    Hello mom, I hope you are well?

    Nigawes: kaalata! ni kia?
    Indeed! and you?

    Nam8n: nda n'madamalsiw. n'wig8damn8 kd'odakalbna.
    Not bad. We enjoyed your visit.

    Nigawes: nia achi. n'wliosesak, n'wig8damop n'nami8k.
    Me also. My grandhchildren are great, I enjoyed seeing them.

    Nam8n: agm8w8 achi wig8damop k'namiogok. k'wlipamkannib?
    They also enjoyed seeing you. Did you travel well?

    Nigawes: 8h8, n'wlipamkanni. ni adoji kligiskad ta kizosoo.
    Yes, I traveled well. It was a nice day and the sun was shining.

    Nam8n: kchi wligen. Sigwan matanaski paia!
    Great. Spring is finally here!

    Nigawes: kaalata.

    Nam8n: wliwni wji zogelozw8gan wji niona kwani kd'aip iodali.
    Thankyou for cooking for us while your were here.

    Nigawes: nda kagwi.
    No problem.

    Nam8n: mziwi wlip8gwat!
    Everything was delicious!

    Nigawes: wliwni. nd'achowi ida adio nikw8bi.
    thankyou. I must say goodbye now.

    Nam8n: adio achi nigawes. k'kezalmel.
    goodbye also mother. I love you.

    Nigawes: k'kezalmel nam8n.
    I love you my son.

    N'kawachowi / k'wigsedamn8
    I hope / you all enjoyed listening to this

    achi / akwi / wanaldo / wji / sahosa ta wig8dam / wlilegiskat!
    and / do not / forget / to / go outside / and enjoy / the beautiful weather!

    Sigwan / ao / iodali!
    Spring / is / here!

    kchi wliwni ta k'wlipamkannibna nid8bak.
    great thanks / and / travel well / my friends.